from Dormitz
- Emigration from Oberfranken
in the 19th Century
- History of Dormitz
If you
are a descendant of one of these migrants, please send me an e-mail
and let me know what happened to them. |
(K9/1 Nr. 2676), (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ IV)
Brandis, (K9/1 Nr. 2661),(K3/ A1
Nr. 2326/ II)
Dorn, Anna, (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ I)
Dorn, Margarethe, to Linz (K9/1 Nr. 2722)
Elisabetha (K9/1 Nr. 2764),(K3/A1 2326/IV)
Eisenbrand, Babette (K3/ A1 Nr.
2326/ I)
Eisenbrand, Henriette (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ I)
Eisenbrand, Jette, Juda, Isaias
(K9/1 Nr. 2829)
Förtsch, Michael to Weimar (K9/1 Nr. 2847)
Frank, Friederika, (K9/1 Nr. 3920)
Friedrich, Anna (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ IV)
Fritzner, Maria Margarethe (K3/
A1 Nr. 2326/ I)
Frohmann, Fanny (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ I)
Greif, Konrad (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ I)
Häfner, Georg (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ IV)
Häfner, Johann (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ IV) (K9/1 Nr. 3005)
Hofmeyer, Simon (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ II) (K9/1
Nr. 2956)
Sofie (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ IV) (K9/1 Nr. 3001)
Hollsteiner, family (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/
II) (K9/1 Nr. 2954)
Hollsteiner, Dorothea (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ I)
Holzmann, Eberhard (K9/1 Nr. 3183 &
Holtzmann, Johann (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ I)
Knetzger, family (K9/1 Nr. 3268)
Lehmeier, family (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ II)
Loevi, Karoline
(K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ IV), (K9/1 Nr. 3162)
Sigmund (K9/1 Nr. 3214)
Minderlein, Barbara (K9/1 Nr. 3196), (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ II)
Mirsberger, Margarethe (K9/1 Nr. 3205)
Nägel, Georg (K9/1 Nr. 3260)
Nepf, Paul (K9/1 Nr. 3774)
Katharina (K9/1 Nr. 3785), (K3/ A1 Nr. 2318/ I)
Priester, Salomon
(K9/1 Nr. 3326),(K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ II)
Priester, Max
(K9/1 Nr. 3346)
Priester, Josef
(K9/1 Nr. 3784), (K3/ A1 Nr. 2318/ I)
Rehm, Anna (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ I)
Regenfuss, Georg (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ I)
Regenfuss, Jakob (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ I)
Rosenheimer, Max (K9/ 1 Nr. 3369),
(K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ III)
Rosenheimer, David (K9/ 1 Nr. 3792),
(K3/ A1 Nr. 2307/ III)
Rosenheimer, David Max (K9/
1 Nr. 3796),
(K3/ A1 Nr. 2318/ I)
Schmeier, Kar. (K9/1 Nr. 3147)
Schmidt, Joh. (K9/1 Nr. 3826)
Schramm, Georg & Margarethe (K3/
A1 Nr. 2326/ I)
Springer, Elkan (K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ I)
Elisabeth (K9/1 Nr. 3485),
(K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ IV)
Striegel, family (K9/1 Nr. 3456) (K9/1 Nr.
Trummer , Margarethe (K3/ A1 Nr.
2326/ I)
Uhlfeld, sisters
(K9/1 Nr. 3599)
Uhlfelder, Herrmann
(K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ IV)
Louis (K3/
A1 Nr. 2318/ I), to Italy
Uhlfeld, Marianne
(K9/1 Nr. 3600),
(K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ IV)
Wiegärtner, Margaretha
(K9/1 Nr. 2806),
(K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ II)
Wiegärtner, Ursula
A1 Nr. 2326/ IV) mit Kind Johann Georg
Wild, Philip
A1 Nr. 2318/ I)
Unless otherwise stated
all the information were taken from emigration documents which are kept
in the Staatsarchiv Bamberg (StABa) /5/.
In the brackets you will find the corresponding reference numbers.
Special thanks to
John J. Knetzger/ Wisconsin for reviewing and correcting this page.
Dorn, Margaretha
emigration in 1829
She wants to follow Johann Stoffels from Linz near Koblenz/ Germany, who
promises to marry her.
Official documented emigration from Dormitz to North America begins in
In the summer of 1839 a group of young men of this region, including Georg
Regenfuss of Dormitz, returns from a "reconnaissance" journey
to North America (see Johann Mehl). Their reports
certainly encouraged others to go to America.
Henriette, age 28
a sister and two brothers follow
in 1847
Fanny, age 22
Anna, age 25
Dorothea, age 23
three brothers and sisters follow in
jointly apply for emigration on May 26, 1840
intend to visit relatives in North America via Hamburg
widower Georg Schramm, day laborer, and his daughter Margaretha
apply for emigration in 1841.
Babette, bachelor girl, 1841 (a sister
and two brothers follow in 1847) |
Konrad, farmer son, 1841 |
Rehm, daughter of a peasant (Köblerstochter), bachelor girl, 1841 |
Trumer, Margaretha,
Johann, farmer son, 1841
Elkan, butcher, 1841 |
Maria Margarethe applies on June 28, 1843. Her father is Henry
She is 33 years old, owns 275 fl. and wants to work as a maid in North
America. |
migration of the four families Johann Knetzger (1842), Georg
Regenfuss (1843), Jacob Regenfuss (1843), Eberhard Holzmann
(1843) and the bachelor Johann Mehl (1844) is a nice example
of a "group migration" or "chain migration".
Johann Knetzger's sister Eva married Georg Regenfuss. Johann Mehl
is a cousin of Georg and Jacob Regenfuss.
On April 7, 1838 Georg Regenfuss begins a journey to North America
and returns to Dormitz on June 19, 1839. His brother Jakob and his
brother-in-law Johann Knetzger sent him there in order to do inquiries
"on the spot". What he reported when he came back, made
them all the more determined to go to North America. Most likely Georg
traveled together with other young men from the region (see note Johann
On November 28, 1839 Georg Regenfuss, Jacob Regenfuss and Johann Knetzger
appear in Gräfenberg before the district court an say that they
want emigrate with their families in spring 1840.
On February 8, 1840 the district judge Grötsch accompanied by
an assistant visits the three families Knetzger and Regenfuss in Dormitz
in their homes and records their applications for emigration to North
Their intention to leave Bavaria is made public on February 9, 18
and 22, 1840 on the presentation board at the district court and in
two newspapers. If there were any obligations, they had to be claimed
within the next four weeks.
Knetzger familiy is the first to leave Dormitz: |
Knetzger log house
Germantown, Wisconsin
The Knetzger family immigrated to America in 1842, purchasing land
for $1.25 per acre
and settling in Germantown.
With a rich supply of timber in this area the two-story log house
was built 1860-1861. Trees were felled and used to build the home
and the land was cleared for crops
and diary farming.
Several additions to the original log house were built through the
years. Total restoration of the house was completed in 1988 by the
Lamm family, ...
Landmarks Commission
County Wisconsin /9/ |
Johann Knetzger, * Mar 20, 1801
- Katharina née Hofmann, *Jan 25, 1810
- Sebastian, * Oct 18, 1831 (see
- Johann Georg,* Apr 21, 1835
- Leonhard, * Sep 21.1839 |
landed aboard the ship Mozart in New York on July 1, 1842,
and settled in Germantown, Wisconsin, a German settlement just northwest
of Milwaukee. /9/
A descendant chart of the family can be found here.
Johann Knetzger bought land for Jakob Regenfus in Germantown on Nov
20, 1842./9/ |
provided by Jim Schroeder
* Sep 16, 1792, died Jun 07, 1858 in Wisconsin
Buried at St. Boniface Catholic Cemetery, Germantown,
and his children:
- Barbara, *Aug 4, 1825, died Feb 17,
1890 (see
- Johann, * Aug 9, 1827 (see gravestone)
- Conrad, * Oct 10, 1829
- Elisabetha, * Aug 21, 1831
come to Germantown/ WI in 1843.
His wife Cunigunda, née Deinlein, * Sep 18, 1795 severely suffers
from articular gout: she cannot walk alone and it is impossible for
her to travel to America. So, she and their oldest daughter Kunigunda,
* Oct 10, 1821 remain behind in Dormitz.
Married #2 wife, Barbara Minderlein on Nov 29,
Had 2 more children, Margaretha + Anna by second wife, possibly George
and Frederick also. (source: Kathy H. Neuburg)
Georg Regenfuss,
*29.8.1809, (see gravestone)
his wife Eva Margaretha, née Knetzger *10.3.1811,
sister of Johann Knetzger, and their children:
- Mathäus, *15.5.1834
- Jacob, *12.10.1836
- Johannes, *7.5.1840
In a document from March 22, 1843 he states, that his plans
were delayed because of several actions were pending. For example,
Johann Regenfuss and Margarthe Regenfuss from Ebersbach claim, that
Georg owes them 200 and 100 fl.
He refers to the letter
from Johann Knetzger which stated that Johann had bought 440 acres
of land for him and his brother.
Eberhard *5.1.1786, his wife Rosina Fritzner died on 23.6.1837 |
January 20, 1840 he appears before the district court and says that
he wants to go to North America. The district judge Grötsch sends
him back in order to think it over because of his age and the six
young children. But
on January 24, 1840 he repeats that he intends to emigrate.
On February 24, 1840 he appears before the district judge together
with his three oldest children.
A son of his deceased sister Barbara Schramm of Neunkirchen, Johann
Schramm, already lives in North America. His remaining nearest relatives
intend to emigrate to North America, too. In his file there is a note,
dating from September 1, 1840, that his application is no longer pushed
He sells his property Dormitz No.22 to Georg Nägel from Langensendelbach
for 4000 fl in 1843.
to go to North America via Bremen - New York on August 1, 1843
- Maria Margarethe, * 20.10.1821
- Barbara, * 21.10.1823
- Anna, * 8.5.1825
- Margaretha, * 13.4.1828
- Anna Margaretha, * 6.6.1832
- Katharina, * 3.5.1835 |
Margarethe marries John Zoellner
Margaretha marries George Wilhelm
on October 23, 1851 in Germantown, Washingotn Co., WI. and dies on
December 28, 1909 in Marshfield, Wood Co., WI. /link/
Anna Margaretha marries Henry Breckheimer and dies on 31 January 1925,
Kiel, Manitowoc Co., WI. /link/ |
Johann Mehl
(* Feb 25,1818) from the neighbouring village Steinbach follows
in 1844. He is a single farmer's son, his parents are dead.
A document dating from April 4, 1844 says that he "traveled 4
years ago in the company of several others from this region to North
America and wants to settle near Milwaukee" (StABa K3/ A1 Nr.
2326/ I ).
The single farm hand Joseph Regenfuss from Marloffstein
applies for emigration in 1843. He is not a brother of Jacob and Georg
(StABa K3/ A1 Nr. 2326/ I ). |
and Jacob Regenfuss settled in the west portion of Germantown and
in the east portion of Richfield.
Johann Knetzger settled just to the east of the Regenfuss group in
Germantown only.
Eberhard Holzmann and Johann Mehl acquired land in Germantown /9/ |
In contrast to the average
emigrant, these migrants were rather wealthy:
Johann Knetzger sold his property in Dormitz No.13 on Feb 2, 1842
for 4500 fl. He gets another 500 fl. for his furnishings.
Georg Regenfus sold his property in Dormitz on June 6, 1843 for 5800
Jakob Regenfus sold his property in Dormitz No. 27 on Aug 4, 1843
for 3000 fl.
Gräfenberg, June 20, 1846: she wants to embark in Bremen on July 1
(K3/ A1 2326/ IV) |
application for emigration on June 14, 1847
- Jette, * Dec 27, 1809
- Juda, * Feb 2, 1813, weaver
- Isaias, * Dec 7, 1821, tailor
Their mother Marianne died one year before, on June 2, 1846. Their
father died on April 25, 1832.
Four brothers and sisters are already in North America:
Henriette (1840), Karoline (1844), Babette
(1841) are in Philadelphia, Löb/ Ludwig (1843) lives in Ohio
In October 1844 Ludwig, Henriette, Karolina and Babette appoint
their brother Juda "our lawful attorney
for us and in our names to bargain sell and convey in fee simple
by deed of general warrantee for such price upon such terms of ..."
This was notarized by Edward Hurst in Philadelphia and John S. Patterson
and the Justice of the Peace Adam Stewart in Steubenville, County
of Jefferson, State of Ohio.
Karoline (* Nov 11, 1812), Lehmann (* May 10, 1818) and Kattong
(* Sept 18, 1817) Hollsteiner apply for emigration.
Father Emmanuel died 18 years ago, their mother Marianne died on
Sept 28, 1839.
Four brothers and sisters already went to North America: Sophie
(*March 23, 1814), Dorothea (* June 8, 1816),
Babette (* Dec 9, 1820) and Meier (*Sept 6, 1828). The three sisters
lived in Cincinnati. Meier had left Bavaria without permission and
had to pay a fine.
10.9.1848: embarkation shall be on Sept 30, and they have to leave
Dormitz at least 10 days before, so they ask for a speeding-up of
the procedure.
The ship' s name is Euclid, the name of the Captain is Bainbridge.
In the Judenmatrikel we find (according to /11/):
Emanuel Hollsteiner, born in 1784, profession "Schnittwarenhändler"
Simon Hofmeier, born
January 13, 1829 receives his permission for emigration on August 6, 1849
The widow Karolina
Lehmeier and eight children, August 1849
Her husband died two years ago, five of her children already live in the
United States. Now the three remaining daughters and Karolina want to
follow them to North America.
Sigmund Männlein,
* Jan 29, 1833, son of the butcher Moses Männlein, who has six children.
Several relatives already live in Baltimore.
He receives his permission on April 24, 1850.
Brandis, born 30.07.1834, son of Jacob Brandis, emigration in
1850 (K9/ 1 Nr. 2661)
He wants to go to Cincinnati, where his brother Löb works as
a floorman in a printing office. He gets the necessary money from
his brothers Löb Brandis and Dr. Max Brandis (in total 175 fl.).
He applies for emigration on July 23, 1850, one week before he would
have become 17. At the age of 17, young men were registered for the
military service, at the age of 21 they had to serve. Between 17 and
21 emigration only was possible if a "replacement" was found
or 800 fl. were paid./8.26/ |
Wiegaertner, *Jan 18,1825, daughter of the day labourer Johann Wiegaertner
and Ursula Wiegaertner, née Gengler.
She was born as an illegitimate child, but through the marriage of her parents,
she became legitimized.
Brothers of her already live in Milwaukee (?), they will pick her up in
New York.
Se receives his permission on June 2, 1851. |
Wiegaertner, born August 21, 1801, and her son Johann Georg,
born August 22,1842
Ursula appears before the district court in Gräfenberg on June 30,1853.
She's the widow of the Köbler (farmer with a small property) Johann
She wants to emigrate to New York, where her daughter Margaretha is living,
who is doing well and has invited her mother and brother to come.
Has sold all property and wants to embark in Bremen on August 1, 1853.
Johann Wiegaertner died on January 27, 1851(?) at the age of 59. Together
with Ursula, née Gengler (Gängler), he had three children:
- Margaretha, born Jan 18,1825
- Johann, born on Jul 17, 1827 (being a soldier in 1853)
- Johann Georg, born on August 22, 1842 |
Beck, born
23.1.1817, roman catholic, daughter of the day labourer Georg Beck and his
wife Margaretha, née Rahm, emigration after August 1853
She was single and appeared before the district court together with her
brother Georg. She gave birth to an illegitimate child (died before 1853?).
Intended to go via Leipzig, Bremen, New York, owned 200 fl.
Her perspectives in Dormitz were bad, virtually no chances to marry and
to have a family, and as the daughter of a day labourer she would always
belong to the poor in the village. (K9/ 1 Nr. 2676).
Applies for emigration on August 11, 1853 (K3/ A1 2326/IV) |
Loevi, * May
23, 1840, daughter of the teacher Bernhard Loevi.
She wants to go to a sister of her step mother, Louise Kohn, in New York.
He receives his permission on May 19, 1857. (K9/ 1 Nr. 3162) |
Dresel, Elisabeth Stirnweis from Dormitz and Wolfgang and Konrad
Seubert from Hetzles apply for emigration on Sept 3, 1857.
They want to embark in Bremen on September 15, 1857. (K3/
A1 2326/IV) |
Salomon Priester,
*10.07.1832. Father: the butcher Jandaph(?) Priester
He applies for emigration on May 30, 1851, wants to travel via Bremen
to Philadelphia, he owns 300 fl.
Was trained as a merchant by Philipp Heilbronn in Fürth.
His reason to emigrate: There are already too many merchants and it's
not possible for him to make his living.
Smallpox vaccination on March 20, 1833.
He went to school from his 6th to his 12th year and leaves the working
day school on August 4, 1847.
He attended the Israelite religion school in Dormitz from his 6,5th to
his 12,5th year until August 4, 1847.
He receives his permission on June 12, 1851.
Solomon Priester arrived in NY Sept 2, 1851 from Bremen /12/
Josef Priester,
On Feb 17, 1887 in the presence of the mayor Leuthäuser from Dormitz,
the butcher Max Priester and his wife Elise, née Feuchtwanger say
that they give their permission to the emigration of their son Josef.
Max and Josef both are merchants, Josef lives in Nürnberg.
He receives his permission on Oct 26, 1887.
Max Priester,
* 10.9.1850
On Nov. 21, 1870 the merchant Simon Priester appears before the
district court and says that his brother Max, who lives in North
America for 5 years, now wants to emigrate officially.
Max receives the official, formal permission on Dec 24, 1870
Sixteen year
old Max Priester's ship arrived in NY on Dec 20, 1866 from Bremen.
Living in Plymouth Borough, Pennsylvania in 1870 /12/
the "Judenmatrikel" we find (according to /11/):
- Joseph Prister ("Schnittwaren-Hausierhändler"), born
in 1754 and his successor Jandoph Prister, butcher
- Jacob Prister, cattle-dealer, born in 1778 and his successor Bernhard
Prister, born in 1817, bookbinder.
- Max Priester, butcher, born in 1833 as successor of Emanuel Hollsteiner,
born in 1784. |
Emanuel Uhlfelder,
born 1819 in Dormitz married in NYC to Yetta Wasserman, Aug 5, 1846. /12/
Jette Uhlfelder,
Arrival Date: 28 Aug 1854, Age: 16 5/12, Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany,
Destination: New York, Place of Origin: Dormitz,
Ship Name: Leontine, Port of Arrival: New York /12/
Uhlfelder Marianne,
*26.2.1831 and Herrmann, *25.2.1825 (StABa K9/ 1 Nr. 3599)
On March 4, 1856 they appear before the district court in Gräfenberg
and say that they want to emigrate to North America via Bremen/New York.
Three sisters are already living in America.
Herrmanns certificate of discharge from the military says that his was
5' 5" and had black hair, his was dismissed because he was too weak.
Together they own 1000 fl.
They receive their permission on April 4, 1856
They want to embark in Bremen on May 17, 1856 (K3/ A1 2326/ IV)
Uhlfelder Marianne . (StABa K9/ 1 Nr. 3600)
One year later, on May 8, 1857, she appears again before the court, together
with her father Joseph(?) Uhlfelder.
She gets the permission a second time on May 25, 1857.
of house No. 11b ("das Uhlfeldergütlein"):
Josef Uhlfelder takes it over from David Uhlfelder in 1831, Josef gives
it later to his son Wolfgang /2/.
In 1837 Moses Männlein takes over No. 53a
from his father-in-law David Uhlfelder /2/.
In 1815 David Uhlfelder and Heßlein Rothenfels buy No.
59. Later 59a belonged to Wolf Uhlfelder /2/.
In the "Judenmatrikel" from 1813 we find: the cattle-dealer David
J. Uhlfeld, born in 1775, and his successor Joseph Uhlfeld (according to
/11/). |
*18.12.1833, parents: the farmer Meier Rosenheimer and Fanny (died
in Jan 1852)
He applies for emigration on Dec 14 1852 and intends to leave Dormitz
in spring 1853.
Smallpox vaccination on May 7, 1835.
He went to school from his 6th to his 12th year and leaves the working
day school on May 1, 1846.
He owns 240 fl. His reason for emigration: He is not rich enough to
have an own family and hopes to have a better chance in North America.
He receives his permission on Feb 10, 1853. |
Rosenheimer, *28.7.1856, parents: the merchant Meier Rosenheimer
and Babette, née Goldberg
27.5.1870: he appears before the judge accompanied by his father,
he wants to get a passport to go to North America
29.1.1873: Meier Rosenheimer says that his son David went to North
America in 1870, now he officially applies for the permission
to emigrate.
Max Rosenheimer, *24.10.1871, parents: the merchant Max Rosenheimer
and Retha, nèe Gutmann
He receives his permission on Sept 30, 1887. |
1846 Klara Rosenheimer takes over the property
No. 11a from her father Moses Rosenheimer. In 1864 this property belonged
to Isack Bürger /2/.
In the "Judenmatrikel" from 1813 the cattle-dealer Joseph Loeb
Rosenheim is mentioned (according to /11/). |
Uhlfelder, born Feb 5, 1865, wants to emigrate to Italy. Application:
Bayreuth, May 20, 1879. (K3 A1/ Nr.2318/ I) |
Wild, born on Jan 18, 1870.
Wants to leave Dormitz on Jul 15,1886
Philip stays in Germany and dies on 28.4.1945 in KZ Theresienstadt (according
to /13/)
-> more about the Wild family |
Poser, born on May 16, 1865.
Applies for emigration on Jun 1, 1888 |
Paul Nepf,
born June 2, 1867 in Neunkirchen, catholic
Wants to give up his Bavarian citizenship, because he lives as a horseradish
trader in Vienna and wants the become Austrian citizen (March 6, 1909).
Address in Vienna: Salmgasse 12, Wien III
He writes a letter to his father, who is still living in Dormitz, and
asks him to arrange this
for him.
His wife: Anna Kunigunda, nèe Burkard, was born in Kersbach on
June 26, 1876. They married on May 20, 1896
Three children were born in Dormitz, more children in Vienna (not mentioned)
- Elisabeth, born on March 1, 1897
- Josef Paul, born on July 7, 1900
- Anna Kunigunda, born on Oct 2, 1901
/2/ Chronik des Dorfes
Dormitz. Wilhelm Held, Brand 1967, 3. Edition1992, Editor: Gemeinde Dormitz
/4/ Auswanderungswesen
in Bayern, G. Krieg, Sonderabdruck des Vereins für Socialpolitik,
52. Band, Leipzig 1898
/5/ Staatsarchiv
Bamberg, Hainstr. 39, 96047 Bamberg, Germany
/6/ Wanderungsbewegungen
in und aus Franken im 19. Jahrhundert. Klaus Guth. Jahrbuch für fränkische
Landesforschung 49 (1989)
/7/ Fremdheitserwartung
und Fremdheitserfahrung bei den deutschen Amerikaauswanderern im 19. Jahrhundert.
Peter Assion. in Kulturkontakt, Kulturkonflikt/ herausgegeben von Ina-Maria
Grevius. Frankfurt/ Main (1988)
/8/ Hintergründe
der Auswanderung aus Oberfranken nach Nordamerika. Hans Schaub. Heimatbeilage
zum Amtlichen Schulanzeiger des Regierungsbezirks Oberfranken. Bayreuth,
Januar 1994, Nr. 206.
/9/ Private communication,
John J. Knetzger of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.; source: http://www.glorecords.blm.gov
/11/ 850 Jahre Dormitz
1142-1992, Martin Rehm, Dr. Ernst Rehm, 1992
/12/ Private communication,
Sandi Goldsmith, Alpharetta/Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
/13/ Private communication,
Elizabeth Ida Posva, S. Paulo, Brazil