from Oberfranken in the 19th Century
Emigrants from Dormitz
History of Dormitz
thanks to John J. Knetzger/ Wisconsin for reviewing and correcting this
page. |
Emigration in the
19th century /4/
In the Middle Ages people were considered a kind of accessory to the land
they lived and worked on. As a result of that, they were not allowed to
leave their village or district. They completely depended on the arbitrariness
of the sovereign, whether an exception was made or not.
Since 1818 Bavarian
citizens had the right to emigrate to other German states, if those states
were willing to receive them. They did not have the right to emigrate
to non-German states, but usually the permission was granted.
had to prove that they were relieved from all obligations:
- no liability to
military service.
- all public duties (such as taxes) paid in full.
- all private debts settled.
- no pending cases
in court and no sentences to serve.
- enough money.
of official emigrants from the district of Oberfanken vs. year /4.92,93/
(The graph was slightly smoothed by a "moving average" in order
to see the main
trends more clearly, see original
curve) |
Between 1836 and 1871,
the majority (83%) of Bavarian emigrants went to USA and 14% to other
German states. In the years 1872-1878 & 1887-1890, 27% went to USA
and 69% to other German states and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire /4.82/.
So the left
half of the curve is dominated by emigration to North America (83%), the
right half is not (only 27%).
Some authors define five "waves" of emigration: 1847-48; 1851-53;
1872; 1880-83; 1890 /6.113,114/. Considering the diagram, this appears
rather arbitrary to me. If one wants to define waves, I would propose
two main waves, separated by the American Civil War (1861-1865). These
two main waves show several peaks. The first one, the "American wave",
clearly shows three maxima, which are correlated to three clear maxima
in the development of the price for rye.
A few factors should
be mentioned, which seem to have influenced the trends (move mouse over
- the price for rye (in arbitrary units) as an indication how hard it
was especially for poor people to make a living /4.90/.
- the civil war in USA
- new laws in 1868 in Bavaria made it easier to marry, and the freedom
of trade was granted /4.78/.
What did they know
about America, and from where?
There were reports
about journeys to North America published in books, magazines and newspapers.
Some guidebooks for emigrants tried to give information on how to make
the emigration the most successful.
The author of one guidebook complains about reports that were written
or ordered by speculators who bought lots of land and tried to attract
settlers by describing their state or county as being the "heaven
on earth".
But the letters from earlier emigrants certainly had the biggest influence
/8.28,29/. Below you can see one example.
Steel engraving, Germany,
about 1840, showing settlers and their block house in North America
This represents the "romantic
view" ("Blockhaus-Romantik") |
December 24, 1842. Johann Knetzger writes a letter from Milwaukee to his
brother-in-law Jacob Regenfuss in Dormitz. (excerpt) /5./ |
Download a complete transcription and translation |
I can assure you, that we are in a beautiful heaven-like region, where the
day is not so short as in Germany, on Christmas, when it is the shortest
day, 10 hours, where it is not too cold and in summer not too warm, snow
we already had 8 days after Martini (Nov
11th), but which the sun now melted
pretty much because the sun shines now as warm as in spring time." |
ich kann euch versichern das wir auf eine schöne Himelsgegend sind
wo der tag nicht so kurtz wie in Deuschland an Weihnachten wo er am kirtzesten
ist 10 stund wo nicht zu kalt und im Somer auch nicht zu warm ist Schnöh
bekamen wir 8 Tage nach Mathini schond wo ihn aber die Sonne jetz zimlich
wegleckte den die Sonne scheind jetz so warm wie in Frühjahr."
Summary of the letter:
- they know what is going on in Germany from letters and newspapers
- prices for different goods are compared
- what emigrants should bring with them from Germany (e.g. seals and whetstones)
- after half a year he owns nearly everything a farmer needs
- timber of very good quality is easily available
- all kinds of trees grow in abundance
- the days are longer and the climate is better than in Frankonia
- land was already bought for Jacob Regenfuss
- some hints regarding the journey and where to buy land and where not
über eine Reise nach den westlichen Staaten Nordamerika' s und einen
mehrjährigen Aufenthalt am Missouri"
Elberfeld: Samuel Lucas, 1829
Zweite Auflage: Bonn, 1834
The author Gottfried
Duden reports about his journeys to North America in the years 1824,1825,
1826,1827 and about his stay at the Missouri.
The first edition of this book was printed in 1500 copies.
The pre-requisites
for a successful migration according to Gottfried Duden are:
- sufficient
- good guidance/organization
- medical protection
- other German families nearby
(page 359)

big fertility of the soil, its enormous extension, the mild climate, the
magnificent waterways, the free traffic in an area of several thousand miles,
the perfect safety for persons and property, at very low duties and taxes,
this is what has to be considered the actual pillar of the lucky situation
of the Americans.
In which other country on earth does one find this all together?"
page 258 |
English translation:
on a Journey to the Western States of North America and a Stay of Several
Years along the Missouri"; Ed.: James W. Goodrich; Columbia/ Missouri;
Universtity of Missouri Press, 1980 |
I. Länder für die Auswanderung
A Die Richtung im Allgemeinen
B Amerika, Land, Volk, Einrichtungen und Zustände im Allgemeinen
C Einzelne amerikanische Länder
D nichtamerikanische Punkte
II. Die Auswanderung
III: Die Einschiffung
IV. Das Auswandererschiff
V Die Ankunft und Ausschiffung
VI Die Niederlassung und das Leben auf dem Lande
I. Countries
for emigration
A General considerations
B America, country, people, institutions and the situation in general
C Individual American countries
D Non-American points
II. The Emigration
III. The Embarkation
IV. The Emigrant Ship
V. The Arrival and Disembarkment
VI. The Settlement and Life in the Countryside
A Catechism
for Emigration
Guide for Emigrants,
especially for those,
who want
to emigrate to North America
with regard to knowledge about
the country, departure, crossing,
arrival, settlement, way of life, etc.
and a
instructive book for those staying here
by K.F.W. Wander
Glogau, 1852
In 660 questions and answers
in 6 chapters many important informations are compiled for migrants:
e.g. |
4) Wohin richtet
sich der Hauptstrom der Auswanderer?
24) Welcher von den Staaten der Union ist am entwicklungsfähigsten
und verbürgt dem Einwanderer die schönste Zukunft?
32) Man sagt, dass das männliche Geschlecht in Amerika dem
weiblichen untergeordnet sei; ist dies so?
36) Ist es wahr, dass man in Amerika keine Abgaben zu zahlen hat?
70) Wie steht es in den Vereinigten Staaten in religiöser Beziehung?
79) Wie sind die Arbeitslöhne in den Vereinigten Staaten?
409) Vor welchen Münzen und Schienen hat man sich beim Einwechseln
amerikanischen Geldes zu hüten?
417) Kann man Bäder nehmen auf dem Schiff
433) Welche Nahrungsmittel sind zur Mitnahme zu empfehlen?
452) Was versteht man unter Seekrankheit?
495) Wie schüzt man sich einigermaßen vor Ungeziefer?
514) Wie geht es aufeinem Auswandererschiffe zu, wenn es sich dem
Hafen nähert oder darin ankommß
522) Wie werden die Betrügereien gegen die Einwanderer geübt?
543) Wie sieht es in dem Hospital in Staten Island aus?
560) Wie viel Wege giebt es von New-York nach dem westlichen Innern?
580) Inwiefern
können Bäume dem Einwanderer bei der Wahl seinen Ansiedlingspunktes
rathgebend sein?
582) Ist es dem D eutschen zurathen, sich in einem Sklavenstaate
595) Was versteht man unter Kongressland?
613) Was sind Landspekulanten?
631) Welcher Werkzeuge bedient man sich bei der Urbarmachung des
4) Where do
most emigrants go to?
24) Which
of the states of the Union is most capable of development and guarantees
the immigrant the most beautiful future?
32) One says that in America the male gender is subordinated to
the female gender, is this true?
36) Is it true that there are no duties to be paid in America?
70) What about religious affaires in the United States?
79) How are the wages in the United States?
409) Which coins and bills should one not accept when changing American
417) Can one take a bath on the ship?
433) What food is recommended to take along?
452) What is meant by sea sickness?
495) How does one protect oneself against pests?
514) What's going on on an emigrant ship, when it approaches the
harbor or arrives?
522) How are swindlings at the disadvantage of the immigrants committed?
543) How does it look like in the hospital in Staten Island?
560) How many ways are there from New York to the western states?
580) How can trees be advisory for the immigrant when choosing his
place of settlement?
582) Can it be recommended for a German to settle in a slave state?
595) What is meant by Congress land?
613) What are land speculators?
631) Which tools does one use for the clearing of the forests?
German edition with comments and a very valuable bibliography:
ISBN 3-261-03799-7;
"Wander, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm";
Herausgeber Wolfgang Mieder; Bern; 1988
Reasons for emigration
The population in Oberfranken increased steadily /4.85/ (see graph)
Until 1868 artisans suffered severely from the regulations of the ancient
craft guilds; flexibility and creativity were suppressed.
Very many people didn't earn enough money to make their living.
Most goods were hardly affordable. For example firewood was so expensive
that the district court Lichtenfels asked the government to lower the
price because the discontent of the people was increasing /8.17/.
Many properties were mortgaged. When the harvest was good, the farmers
could pay the mortgage interests. But when the harvest was bad or the
handcrafters had not enough jobs, the mortgages caused big problems /8.20/.
The law of succession in Franconia said that the properties had to be
divided among the heirs. As a consequence the land was fragmented, many
farms were too small to maintain a family. /8.21/
In 1834 new laws made it more difficult to become resident and to marry.
In order to become resident in a community, the person had to own a property
with a minimum tax yield of 1 fl and 30 Kreuzer and he had to prove that
he is able to earn his living. These two requirements made it virtually
impossible for e.g. servants, day-laborer and craftsmen to marry and have
a family. It' s not surprising that the statistics of those days show
many illegitimate children./8.22/
No indications for politically motivated emigration can be found in Oberfranken.
In 1848 there were some riots in some parts of Oberfranken, but the reason
was discontent with the miserable economic situation rather than discontent
with the political situation./8.27/
see also:
Emigrants from Dormitz
History of Dormitz
Bedroom in 1846
/4/ Auswanderungswesen in Bayern, G. Krieg, Sonderabdruck
des Vereins für Socialpolitik, 52. Band, Leipzig 1898
/5/ Staatsarchiv Bamberg, Auswandererkartei
/6/ Wanderungsbewegungen in und aus Franken im 19. Jahrhundert.
Klaus Guth. Jahrbuch für fränkische Landesforschung 49 (1989)
/7/ Fremdheitserwartung und Fremdheitserfahrung bei den
deutschen Amerikaauswanderern im 19. Jahrhundert. Peter Assion. in Kulturkontakt,
Kulturkonflikt/ herausgegeben von Ina-Maria Grevius. Frankfurt/ Main (1988)
/8/ Hintergründe der Auswanderung aus Oberfranken
nach Nordamerika. Hans Schaub. Heimatbeilage zum Amtlichen Schulanzeiger
des Regierungsbezirks Oberfranken. Bayreuth, Januar 1994, Nr. 206.